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Thursday, January 8, 2009

Black & Decker SZ360 3.6-Volt Ni-Cad Cordless Power Scissors

These scissors offer way more cutting power than just about anyone can muster with muscle alone, and best of all, it’s effortless. You can’t help but love a product that makes life so much easier, especially for folks who suffer from arthritis.

You can cut nearly anything with these, from delicate pattern paper to sheet vinyl flooring and window screening, with just the press of a button. Our favorite job for these, though, is to easily slice into that impossible-to-open, hard plastic packaging that seems to be on most everything these days. It’s no match for these scissors.

When power scissors first came out, there wasn’t too much concern about ergonomics, but we know so much more these days about how important that is. Black & Decker’s made this power tool a treat for the body to use, with a nice cushy grip, super light weight and no force needed.

One charge will keep you cutting for 70 minutes, and then you just plug it in and charge it again. There’s no end to what you can use these power scissors for – gift wrapping, sewing, scrapbooking, decorating, jobs around the house, crafts, clipping coupons. --Kris Jensen-Van Heste
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